
In order to keep our church a safe, welcoming place for all, which can support village life and the wider church, we need to maintain a regular income. This ensures we can fulfil our vision, keep our church maintained and serve our community well.

This requires the generosity of people from our congregation and community to give what they can, when they can.

There are two main ways to give financially:

1. Give regularly

The best way to give regularly to the life and work of St Paul’s is through the Parish Giving Scheme. You can set up a regular direct debit by visiting our page at the Parish Giving Scheme.

If you want to set up a direct debit by phone or mail please contact our treasurer:

Andy Lowe | | 07802 912930

We usually take up an offering at our services, and have a cashless giving station at the back of church.

2. Give a one-off donation

You can give a one-off donation to St Paul’s through visiting our page at the Parish Giving Scheme.

Gift Aid
If you are a UK tax payer you can increase the amount you give by using a recognised gift aid scheme. This allows us to reclaim an extra 25% of the money you give from HM Revenue and Customs, without you doing anything.

For more information contact our treasurer Andy:

Andy Lowe |  | 07802 912930

Your giving makes everything we do at St Paul’s possible. We are so grateful for your generosity.

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